Living Well with Anxiety or ADHD

November Wisdom from our Maryland Therapists

This month’s blog focused on living well as an adult with anxiety or ADHD. We’ve covered everything from defining anxiety to detecting burnout. And of course, we couldn’t help talking about strengthening relationships.

How to Stay Motivated as an Adult with ADHD or Anxiety

Motivation = interest in doing something. Your ADHD brain functions completely differently when you are interested in a task than when you are not. Not interested? You’re not motivated! This is why adults with ADHD can be perceived as lazy or unmotivated. (Psst… they’re not!)

Fortunately, your ADHD brain is also highly motivated to do tasks that you find interesting. This becomes the key to unlocking your motivation.

For those of us with anxiety, motivation can be blocked by the fear of doing it wrong. It feels safer sometimes to do nothing at all. No matter what’s getting in the way, these 3 steps can jump start your motivation and get you back on track.

This Holiday Season, Strengthen Your Relationships to Improve Your Mental Health

It may sound impossible. The winter holidays are often the most stressful time of the year. But they also present opportunities. Opportunities to create the relationships you want to have.

As you gather with family this holiday season, consider how to transform uncomfortable conversations into moments of connection.

And if moments of conflict happen anyway, you might find yourself wondering “AITA?” Instead of asking an online forum, use these 5 questions to get your relationships back on track.

NPR’s Hidden Brain Explains How to Respond to a Loved One’s Anxiety

It was truly awesome to hear a show we respect so much touch on a topic that we deal with every day. Shankar Vedantam highlighted the difference between helpful and unhelpful responses to a family member’s anxiety, and even mentioned SPACE treatment!

Burnout Detection and Recovery for Adults with ADHD or Anxiety

We live in a very busy place, at a very busy time. Have you checked in with yourself lately, to see if you’re burning out? How would you know? And what would you do about it? Read our tips here.

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Therapy for adult ADHD or anxiety is our specialty! Visit us online or in-person in our Montgomery County counseling office for personalized support.

Robin Brannan

Robin Brannan is a Licensed Clinical Marriage and Family Therapist in Maryland, where she has been treating children, couples, parents, and families since 2001.


Signs of Burnout -- And How to Prevent It


Am I Burned Out? And How Do I Recover?