Expert Neurodiversity-Affirming Therapy in Montgomery County, MD

Support for anxiety, stress, life transitions, parenting burnout, and more. Scroll down to see our services.

Woman with tattoos looks hopefully toward the sky

We love helping neurodivergent adults and parents of neurodivergent kids discover their strengths and thrive! We see neurodiversity as an important asset for our community, and want everyone to stand out for being exactly who they are.

You deserve to be understood, and to have support in living your best life.

Your gender identity, sexuality, and neurodivergence are yours to define.

All of our services are LGBTQIA+ affirming. With our counselors and therapists you’ll feel valued, respected, and understood. See below for our current services, offered in person in our Kensington office or online.

Individual Counseling and Therapy Services for Adults

Therapy for Adult ADHD

Life is complicated. ADHD can make managing all the details harder. A few key strategies can get you back on track, and let your ADHD superpowers shine. Our expert neurodiversity affirming therapists will show you how, in person or online.

Therapy for adult ADHD also often includes healing from the guilt and shame you experienced before you were diagnosed.

Therapy for Life Transitions

You want to strengthen a relationship, but don’t know what to say or do. A major life change or new diagnosis just tossed your life upside down. You want your best self to shine, but keep getting stuck.

These moments are significant opportunities for growth. Attending therapy during these times can help you process grief and loss. Heal from trauma. Cope with intense emotions. Set new boundaries. And decide what comes next.

LGBTQIA+ Affirming Therapy

Be who you are. Love who you love. Parent who you have. This is the recipe for a mentally healthy family life. For everyone. But it only works if we affirm the identities of our LGBTQIA+ family members. If you are struggling to find family support or to understand your LGBTQIA+ child, we can help.

CBT (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy) for Anxiety

CBT is an evidence based practice for treating anxiety, depression, stress, and more. The goal of CBT is to build your awareness of your automatic thoughts and feelings, and the behaviors that stem from them. Your warm, nonjudgmental therapist will guide you through. CBT can be useful for situations where you find yourself reacting rather than responding, or spiraling into distress.

woman with hands on face representing anxiety

Doesn’t sound like a fit? That’s ok! Anxiety can be treated in many other ways as well. Keep scrolling down to see more options.

hand decorated with layers of colorful paint representing art therapy

Art Therapy

You’re searching for your center, your strengths, your hopes and dreams. Art Therapy can help. You don’t have to be an artist! It isn’t about creating a masterpiece. It’s about revealing insights you might not express in words. Your Licensed Art Therapist can guide you through the process of healing past hurts and visualizing the future you want for yourself. Art therapy can also help neurodivergent adults learn to plan and organize tasks and time more effectively.

Help for Parenting Burnout

You’re not sure you can do this anymore. You imagine flying away to another life. One that isn’t about everyone else’s needs. Or at least one where you aren’t responsible for everything. It feels like nobody’s listening to you. Or helping you. And you’re DONE.

Parenting can take over your identity, making it hard to remember who you once were. We’ll help you find yourself again. Without having to move to Bora Bora and leave your family behind.

Counseling Services for Families, Parents, and Couples

Family Therapy

Whether you’re 14, 40, or 84, an expert family therapist can help.

Conflict is normal. But when you aren’t having any fun together or start avoiding each other to get some peace, it’s time for change. Family counseling can help you communicate clearly, set boundaries and expectations, and understand each other better. At any age.

Parenting Support

Why doesn’t my child listen to me?! Parent support sessions can add tools to your parenting toolbox. Our supportive, nonjudgmental counselors will help you solve the parenting challenges you’re facing now, and become the parent you hope to be.

Woman with eyes closed, enjoying the sunshine on her face

SPACE Treatment for Child Anxiety

Why is this on the Adult Services page? Because it’s the parent, not the child who attends SPACE therapy sessions. SPACE Treatment is about changing the way you handle living with an anxious child. Which in turn creates a change in your child. Parents who attend sessions with our expert SPACE therapists find themselves growing. And feeling more confident in their parenting skills. That’s right. SPACE benefits you, too.

Couples Therapy / Marriage Counseling

Our licensed Couples Therapists help couples reconnect, resolve conflicts, and heal from past hurts. You’ll meet the therapist together to make sure it’s the right fit for all partners before you start. (Poly and non-married partners included.) Our expertise in neurodiversity affirming therapy prepares us to heal relationships in which one or more partners identify as neurodivergent.

Are you ready to meet your best self? Start by meeting our Expert Neurodiversity-Affirming Therapists, in our Montgomery County, MD office or online.

When you’re ready to explore how neurodiversity-affirming therapy can support your journey, we’re here to help! Reach out to discover how we can work together to achieve your goals.

Whether you’re looking for personalized support, practical strategies, or simply someone to talk to, we’re dedicated to making sure you and your family feel understood and empowered. Follow the steps below to start your path toward a more fulfilling and balanced life.

  1. Reach out to us here so we can get to know your story better.

  2. Learn more about our approach at Better Together Family Therapy.

  3. Get started with a neurodivergent affirming therapist and reach your goals.

Other Services We Offer in the Bethesda, MD Area

At Better Together Family Therapy, we’re passionate about supporting people of all ages through services that honor, respect, and celebrate who they are. In addition to our services for adults, we offer specialized child therapy and tween and teen therapy designed to help kids and teens navigate the ups and downs of adolescence with confidence and resilience.

For families coping with child anxiety, SPACE treatment is here to provide effective compassionate support. We also offer family therapy, where we work together to strengthen connections and resolve conflicts with understanding and care. And of course, all of our services are LGBTQIA+ affirming. Providing a safe space for you to explore your identity and celebrate who you are is central to our mission.

As you face the challenges of life, we’re here to help you find balance and thrive together.