Unlocking Calm: How an Anxiety Therapist Can Transform Your Life

Do you have trouble sleeping at night because your buzzing mind keeps you occupied with worry? Do you resort to alcohol, food, or substances to cope? Are you swamped by dread, exhaustion, and hopelessness?

Given the crazy times we live in and everyday pressures in our personal lives, it's easy to become overwhelmed by worry, fear, or stress. However, if anxiety, even if you don't have an anxiety disorder, is holding you back from living a happy and fulfilled life, it may be time to seek counseling for anxiety.

5 Life Changing Lessons from an Anxiety Therapist

The skills you’ll learn from an anxiety therapist can transform your life and relieve anxiety.

1. Understanding What Triggers You

Anxiety therapists have extensive knowledge and deep understanding of anxiety disorders, the factors that might contribute to anxiety, and effective coping strategies.

And you know how overcoming obstacles you are facing can be difficult if you don't know what you're up against. Your anxiety therapist can help you understand anxiety and identify the triggers that set you off.

For example, if your insecurity, self-criticism, or lack of boundaries were caused by an early attachment and how you were raised, counseling can assist in resolving these causes of anxiety.

Or, if you have attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, your ADHD therapist can help identify how your ADHD symptoms contribute to anxiety and work on addressing those issues. For example, your disorganization and trouble keeping your finances in order may trigger negative thoughts about your competence, skills, or worth, resulting in shame, insecurity, and anxiety.

Once you identify the triggers, your ADHD therapist can help you develop strategies for avoiding or managing them, which can reduce your anxiety. 

2. Challenging Negative Thoughts

Staying in your head for too long can cause nothing but harm. Self-limiting beliefs and negative thinking patterns can really mess with your self-esteem and significantly contribute to anxiety and other emotional distress. It can be tough to break free when our minds start going down this negative spiral.

But your anxiety therapist can help you take the mental trash out and raise self-awareness. With the help of a skilled therapist, you can become more conscious of your negative thoughts and accept the concept that you are enough. Such a mindset shift can significantly enhance your health, relationships, and happiness.

3. Developing Coping Strategies

A qualified anxiety therapist will give you some great strategies to help you manage anxiety. They might suggest things like mindfulness, relaxation techniques, or journaling that can really make a difference in managing your anxiety.

In addition, cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) offers many effective techniques to help you handle your anxiety symptoms when they arise and stay in control of your emotions and thoughts. This can help keep anxiety from interfering with your daily life, goals, and relationships.

4. Expressing Yourself in a Safe Environment

Sometimes, just giving your anxieties and fears a voice may be therapeutic. Opening up and sharing our feelings and thoughts is essential, as this can be a highly redemptive first step to breaking free from anxiety.

Your anxiety therapist will create a safe and supportive environment, allowing you to openly express your concerns, feelings, and fears without fear of judgment.

5. Making Positive Changes in Your Relationships

The positive changes you make in anxiety counseling will benefit not only you but also the people around you. Use the coping skills and insights you gain from working with your anxiety therapist. You'll be able to develop better communication skills, become more empathetic, and learn to lose the grip anxiety has on your relationships.

6. Raising Resilience

Finally, your anxiety counseling sessions can greatly affect how you manage stress and bounce back after setbacks.

With the guidance of your anxiety therapist or counselor, you'll develop better problem-solving skills, learn to cultivate acceptance, become more sensitive to gratitude, and gain confidence to face challenges.

How to Find an Anxiety Therapist in Maryland

When you’re struggling with anxiety, the idea of finding a therapist can be overwhelming. Right here in the DC area there are hundreds of therapists ready to respond to you with kindness and care. Search for your therapist one small step at a time, and keep going until you find the right match.

Start by browsing the web online from home. Read a few therapists’ websites. Notice which ones feel the most right to you. Did you find one that seems to speak directly to you? If not, try a few more.

When you find the website of a therapist that seems to “get” you, it’s time to make a call (or send an email). If it’s someone here at Better Together Family Therapy, use the appointment request button on the therapist’s bio page to reach out.

That might feel like a big step. Many people tell us that they’re worried that the first call is a commitment. Actually, you’re interviewing the therapist for a job.

Therapists are used to talking to lots of people. Some become clients, and some don’t. When we get your call, we’re expecting you to have questions about what we do, how we do it, and what we charge. Go ahead and ask.

If we’re not the right therapist for you, we want to help you figure that out. Then we’ll help you find a better match. And remember, if you meet a therapist you don’t like, you never have to talk to them again!

Summary: Deciding to Work with an Anxiety Therapist

Deciding to work with an anxiety therapist can be the start of the greatest transformation in your life. With the guidance of a therapist, you'll start a journey of healing and personal growth.

As you go through this process, you'll learn some great coping skills and start feeling more empowered to make positive changes in your life.

When you’re ready to unlock your calm, our expert anxiety therapists are ready to help. Reach out here for support.

About The Guest Author: 

Irina Baechle is a licensed relationship therapist and a guest blogger. Through marriage counseling Raleigh NC, marriage retreat North Carolina, and online therapy North Carolina, Irina helps couples move from feeling stuck to feeling deeply loved, seen, and connected. 


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