Living well with ADHD, Anxiety, and Autistic Stress

Advice from our Maryland Therapists for LGBTQIA+ families, neurodiverse families, and YOU

My Neurodivergent Child is in College...Now What?
ADHD Robin Brannan ADHD Robin Brannan

My Neurodivergent Child is in College...Now What?

Parenting college aged kids is tricky. Especially if they are autists, have ADHD brains, or both. Everyone in the family is adjusting to new roles and responsibilities. And fear of failure is running high. Attend this workshop to hear our Maryland ADHD Therapists’ advice for a successful launching stage.

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School is Back and You’ve Got Homework
Parenting Robin Brannan Parenting Robin Brannan

School is Back and You’ve Got Homework

School is back in session, and that means you (the parent) have homework to manage. These added tasks can amplify your stress, especially if you are chasing after children to do their tasks too. Our Maryland therapists explain how to keep up… even if you have ADHD.

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