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Self-Care: 10 Reasons to Keep Your Cup Full

A Maryland anxiety therapist explains how self care creates better mental health

The #1 myth of self-care is that it is a selfish act. I was watching Iyanla Vanzant and she spoke about self-care. Here is what she said

“It’s self-full to be first, to be as good as possible to you. To take care of you, keep you whole and healthy. That doesn’t mean you disregard everything and everyone. But you want to come with your cup full. You know: ‘My cup runneth over.’ What comes out of the cup is for y’all. What’s in the cup is mine. But I’ve got to keep my cup full.”

My cup runneth over means I have more than enough for my needs and I am giving cheerfully from my overflow. To give from your overflow, you set the intention to be what I call the Chief Care Companion for yourself so you can expand your capacity to care for those around you.

Become your own “Chief Care Companion”

To give from your overflow, your cup stays full so that you can overflow the best of you. This drives connection and love for self and others. Keeping a full cup is taking intentional actions to maintain and improve your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual well-being.

Before we can be filled to overflowing, we must first be willing to empty ourselves of everything that would hinder being the Chief Care Companion in our lives. These are the negative coping mechanisms one may use to manage stress: poor sleeping and eating habits, acting aggressively, excessive amounts of alcohol use, drug use, harmful self-talk or ignoring medical needs.

There are also a number of damaging myths that prevent us from engaging in self-care: it’s expensive, it takes too much time and resources, it’s only for women, I have to earn it to practice it, I have to choose between myself and others, and the big one: the embarrassment of being seen as weak- the stigma of getting help. 

When you skip the self care, you’re at higher risk for burnout

To fill your cup to overflowing, you must recognize when your cup is not full. And be intentional on filling up with practices that are life affirming. Self-care is one of the healthiest ways to recharge, recenter and understand your needs.

Our anxiety therapists’ top 10 benefits of filling your cup:

Better mental health

Taking time for self-care can reduce stress, anxiety, and depression. Engaging in activities that bring joy and relaxation can improve mood and overall mental well-being. Ask yourself- what do I truly enjoy doing that fills my cup? And make room for more of it in your life. 

Stress management and improved coping skills

Self-care practices help in coping with daily stressors and challenges. By engaging in activities that provide a sense of calm and relaxation, you can build resilience and handle stress more effectively. You are less likely to be reactive to situations. Instead you are being proactive by setting aside intentional time for relaxation. You are filling your cup so when the storms of life hit, you have enough to weather them. 

Spiritual growth

Taking time for spiritual self-care helps to gain clarity, comfort and enhances inner peace. Your belief that there is something greater than yourself helps to develop a deeper sense of purpose and meaning in life. Connecting with your spirituality encourages introspection, promotes self-awareness and helps to discover what fills your cup.

Improved self-esteem

Prioritizing self-care fosters a positive self-image and boosts self-confidence. When you take care of yourself, you send a message to yourself that you are worthy of love and care. 

Enhanced relationships

When you practice self-care, you are better equipped to nurture and maintain healthy relationships with others. It allows you to give more to your loved ones without feeling depleted because you are giving from your overflow. Remember that message to yourself that you are worthy of love and care. That same message is sent out to others. When you fill your cup by setting healthy boundaries with yourself, you also set the boundary for others to treat you with love and care. 

Improved resilience

Regular self-care practices can build emotional resilience, making it easier to bounce back from setbacks and challenges in life.

Improved physical health

Engaging in self-care activities like regular exercise, balanced nutrition, and adequate sleep can improve overall physical health. It can help prevent illnesses, boost the immune system, and increase energy levels. When one exercises, the body releases chemicals that boost the sense of well-being and suppress hormones that cause stress and anxiety. A higher level of life satisfaction is one of the many benefits of improved physical health. 

Increased creativity and problem-solving abilities

Taking time for leisure activities and hobbies can stimulate creativity and improve problem-solving skills. A rested and rejuvenated mind is more capable of finding innovative solutions. You are better able to focus and concentrate on tasks. Which leads to increased productivity and efficiency in your work or studies. 

Greater work-life balance

Self-care helps in achieving a healthy balance between work, personal life, and social commitments. It prevents burnout and allows you to enjoy your personal life while excelling in your professional endeavors.

Improved life satisfaction (happiness)

Engaging in self-care leads to a greater sense of fulfillment and satisfaction with life. It allows you to prioritize your well-being and enjoy a more fulfilling and meaningful life.

Being the Chief Care Companion of our lives is an essential part of being able to give from the overflow. There is no one-size fits all approach to self-care. When it comes to self-care, find what fits you. Consistency is key. You can experience these benefits and lead a happier, healthier life. 

Creating consistent self care routines (even if you have ADHD)

Building new habits is HARD. You see the reasons why self care matters. But aren’t sure how to get started. Try these practical tips for fitting self care into your schedule. Or these strategies for squeezing in small doses of self care.

And when you find yourself trying to give from a place of depletion and feel you are running on empty, we are here to help. Asking for help is a sign of strength, courage and self-love. 

Reach out to our Maryland therapists today.

Next: Self Care Part 2: HOW to keep your cup full.