Three Daily Strategies to Lift your Mood

Tips from our Maryland Therapists

As therapists, we are always thinking about ways to improve and carve out time for our mental health. Here are some of the ways we’ve come up with to lift your mood on a daily basis (and improve your mental health in the long run):

1. Be thankful: Write three things that fill you with gratitude

Notice that you’ve been in a slump lately? Remember that it’s important to be kind to yourself, even in the hard moments. Doing something nice for yourself — it can be eating that square of chocolate you’ve been eyeing all week, or something as simple as letting yourself laugh at a YouTube video — can be a mood booster for the day.


2. Show kindness: Do one nice thing for yourself each day

Notice that you’ve been in a slump lately? Remember that it’s important to be kind to yourself, even in the hard moments. Doing something nice for yourself — it can be eating that square of chocolate you’ve been eyeing all week, or something as simple as letting yourself laugh at a YouTube video — can be a mood booster for the day.


3. Feeling anxious or angry? Walk it off.

Take a walk when the weather’s right! It can improve your mood significantly. Taking a stroll gets you A) out of the house (and away from the TV/computer screen), B) helps ground you and C) gets your heart rate pumping. All important for putting yourself in a happier state of mind.

Your mood matters. Our Maryland therapists explain why.

Building a daily practice for lifting your mood can make you happier and healthier. It gives you more energy to do the things you love, makes you more productive when you have to be, and allows you to be more ‘in the moment’ when you’re with friends and loved ones. Having daily strategies to lift your mood can help you in the moment and in your day/week overall!

And remember! When you are kinder and more giving to yourself (when you let yourself take the time to boost your own mood), you have the energy to be there for others and give them a mood boost! It’s a win-win, and you will feel happier and more bonded to those around you with these (and other) daily strategies.

Want these and more daily tips? Would like to come up with some yourself but are not sure where to start? Click here to schedule a consult.


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