Try Our Assignment Finder Charts to Help Your Student Work Independently

We created these flow charts to help middle schoolers who need help finding their assignments in Google Classroom or My MCPS Classroom.  They may be useful for other grades as well, and are especially useful for students with executive function difficulties.  Highlight the arrows to make the flow of the steps extra clear for students who struggle with visual tracking.

Find the study tools here:

Work Flow Google Classroom

Work Flow MyMCPS Classroom

Are you surprised by the number of steps?   This is the process your teen is navigating every day to find the information he/she/they needs before starting schoolwork.  Take a moment to pat your child on the back for all that hard work and to empathize with any frustration your child may have!

If your child’s school is using a different online learning platform, you can create your own flow chart for finding and completing school work or edit these to suit your needs. 

Go through the process of finding the work with your child, and document EVERY step you take.  Color code instructions to create visual shortcuts.  For example, notice how we gave instructions in purple when they referred to class meetings and green when they referred to assignments?  This creates cues your child’s brain can follow automatically, and makes following the sequence on the chart less effortful.

If your child doesn’t need the full flow chart but still needs some support tracking assignments and due dates, try this Excel/Google Sheets chart instead:

Assignment Chart

We co-created this one with an Occupational Therapist to help strengthen awareness of time and decrease overwhelm. 

Finally, if overwhelm is still your enemy, try using Big Job Mountain to plan for the emotional ups and downs of doing schoolwork.


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