Showing Yourself Some Love this Valentine's Day

Love for yourself is the most important love there is. And yet, on Valentine’s Day we often focus on the love we get from others. In this post, Aimee Clark of Giggle More Wellness shares her wisdom about loving yourself first.

Valentine’s Day – we know its significance. Flowers, cards, and boxes of chocolates can be small gestures indicating a gigantic truth, that indeed we are loved. 

Woman showing self love

Love is everywhere. It’s all around us. It pours into our lives through relationships, spiritual growth, and purposeful experiences. We are constantly expressing and receiving it. And while we may recognize it in our connection with others, sometimes we forget to nurture this bond with ourselves. 

We get busy and often distracted by the push and pull of life. There’s always one more work email to answer, family dinner to cook, or doctor’s appointment to attend. While these activities are important – taking time to love and care for ourselves allows us to nurture our inner being and replenish our energy. 

It’s imperative to trust that we are good no matter what happens. We are needed, perfect, and helpful just as we are.

For many of us, this is hard to understand and to accept. We have grown used to aligning our self-worth with our circumstances. What we accomplish, how we act, where we live, how much money we have, and what we feel – are examples of how we see ourselves.

worthy of love

But we are more. We are infinite and boundless – created with purpose and meaning. We don’t just love – we are love. We are wrapped in love, filled with it, made of it, and express it constantly.

While circumstances can shape us, guide us, and help us grow – they are not the core essence of who we are. Our feelings of pain, anger, and sadness have meaning. They are there to show us new ways of living, teach us how to accept and adapt, and evolve our beings in vital ways.

These feelings and experiences are valuable and part of the healing journey, however, they are not us. This is an important distinction to make as we move forward in our lives. 

Practicing True Self Care, and Knowing When We Need Help

So, how do we go from identifying as our circumstances, to grasping and acknowledging that we are whole and perfect as we are – connected and, at the same time, independent of our experiences? It’s not an easy process and takes being open and aware as we venture down the path of life.

As we develop understanding, open ourselves to counsel from others, and trust in our higher power - we can learn to appreciate our challenges. To have faith that we are perfectly designed and infused with purpose. And recognize we are an important part of the Universe. 

Learning to see ourselves in the light of wonder and awe can be done. In fact, I believe it is the core reason why we’re here – to grow, accept, appreciate, and value life. 

And on this day of love, let’s take time to reflect - not only, on the love that we have for others but also for ourselves. Let’s remember how wonderful, miraculous, and brilliant we are!

Sometimes we need help to do this. If you’d like to learn more about dwelling in happiness and seeing the love within, please visit my website: 

As a wellness coach in Maryland, I work with people to discover their strengths, create more fun in their lives, and nurture their inner-spark. Thank you for taking the time to read this post!    

Aimee Clark, Wellness Coach - Giggle More Wellness


Robin Brannan

Robin Brannan is a Licensed Clinical Marriage and Family Therapist in Maryland, where she has been treating children, couples, parents, and families since 2001.


A Valentine for You, from our Counselors and Therapists


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