Better Together Family Therapy

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Find Your Best Self in the New Year

Wisdom from our Maryland Therapists

Our team of therapists makes us truly proud. Every day, their compassion and expertise combine to help families feel better. And live better. Currently, we’re thinking a lot about radical acceptance. Keep reading to see how radical acceptance can help you make a new year’s resolution, parent in peace, and so much more!

Lessons We Can Learn from the Loss of Stephen “tWitch” Boss

We’ve all heard it. “I don’t need therapy. I’m NOT crazy!” Our world is full of myths about what it means to need help. And what it means to be strong.

Men, and especially men of color, get these messages loud and clear. Shantel Elessie shares what it really means to seek help. And how therapy and spirituality can truly go hand in hand. Read her wisdom here.

Be the Sky: Parenting Wisdom from Jessica Check

Jessica is the newest addition to our team. And a breath of fresh air. Jessica brings immense compassion and positive energy into everything she does. In this post, she shares how radical acceptance can bring peace into parenting. Instead of the anxiety we usually feel. Click below to learn how to “be the sky” for your children. And yourself.

10 Steps to Radical Acceptance, for our Therapy Clients with Anxiety and/or ADHD

There is endless advice on the internet. Do this! No, try that! It will fix everything.

I suppose we’re guilty of providing excessive advice right here. On our blog! The difference is that our advice is for YOU. A 10 step list doesn’t help you much if you can’t get through it.

So we’ve updated this list with our specific recommendations. We focused on the first 4 steps. And the places where we see our clients get stuck.

We use strategies like writing, drawing, and moving. To get you unstuck. And quiet the negative self talk that tells you to give up. Take a look, and give it a try.

Practicing Gratitude is a Great Place to Start

It’s a great place to start practicing radical acceptance. After all, it’s pretty easy to accept things you’re truly grateful for. It’s also a good step toward determining what you’d like to have more of in your life. Try starting with gratitude when you make your new year’s resolutions. Or any new goal.

3 Tips to Make Your New Year’s Resolutions Stick

Developing a new habit is HARD. And anxiety or ADHD can make it harder. You might expect to fail, so you don’t try. Or you get off to a great start, but get bored or distracted before new habits form. It happens to all of us. In this post, therapist Lakhshmi Nagireddy offers 3 tips for making it stick this time.

And a 4th bonus tip right here… when it doesn’t stick the first time, don’t quit! Ups and downs are part of any growth process. Just notice the bump in the road. Then get started on trying again.

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Therapy for adult ADHD or anxiety is our specialty! Visit us online or in-person in our Montgomery County counseling office for personalized support.