Better Together Family Therapy

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Helping Your Relationship Bloom This Spring

Spring is the time when the trees and flowers bounce back to life.   If you’re feeling like your relationship could use a boost to really blossom this spring, consider doing the following.

  1. Go for a walk together after dinner, or sit outside and look for stars before bed.

  2. Search for free outdoor activities happening this summer and plan to do them together.

  3. Set a goal together. Consider what you both want and need from each other and try to do something that gets you closer to both of those wants/needs.   For example, if you want more physical contact and your partner wants more alone time, your goal may be to keep a weekly calendar that carves out time for both and stick to it.

  4. Re-read old cards and letters, and write your partner a thank you note for the support he/she has given over the years.

  5. Attend a workshop or retreat for couples. Try or to look for options.

  6. Read a book about relationships together. Resist the temptation to focus on what your partner should change by choosing to share one insight you gained about yourself from each chapter.

  7. Put an old argument to rest. Consider something you’ve been nagging your partner about over time and accept that the nagging hasn’t worked.   If it’s an absolutely necessary task (paying taxes or mowing the lawn, for example), take care of it yourself or hire someone to do it.   Otherwise, recognize that it can’t be changed and let it go.   Be sure to let your partner know that you’ve decided the quality of the relationship matters more to you than winning this old battle.  Read more on this topic here.

  8. Consider a short course of couples therapy (4-6 sessions) to reconnect with each other and refocus on your mutual goals. Schedule an appointment here.