Better Together Family Therapy

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Black Families Matter

Visibility matters.  We knew this, and yet we hadn’t made it clear on our website exactly where we stand.  If it isn’t immediately clear to you as a Black family reading our website that you are fully respected here, then we haven’t done a good enough job. 

Let us be very clear.  Black lives matter.  Black lives matter to us, and not just the existence of Black lives.  The quality of life available to Black families matters to us.   

We are taking a stand today to support Black families in getting therapy if, when, and how they want it, and to support Black therapists in getting fully paid for their work.   We are embarrassed that it took George Floyd and Breonna Taylor to call us to this action, and not Trayvon Martin, or Philando Castile, or Freddie Gray.  Frankly, Emmett Till should have been enough to make us stick this post to the top of our blog from the day we opened our doors.

We have strengthened our commitment today with the establishment of a Social Justice Fund at Better Together Family Therapy. 

$5 of the revenue from each therapy session we provide will go into this fund, and twice per year the entire fund will be donated to an organization that reflects our commitment to social justice.  We launched the fund today with a $1000 contribution to The Loveland Foundation’s therapy fund. 

The Loveland Foundation ensures access to private pay therapy services for women and girls of color by paying the cost of these services.  The foundation partners with Therapy for Black Girls to link Black clients with Black therapists and pays the therapists their full fee for services.  Learn more about the foundation here, or join us in making a contribution here.